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Publications for: Mark A. Novotny
Rikvold, P. A., Hamad, I. A., Juwono, T., Robb, D. T., & Novotny, M.A. (2009). Applications of Computer Simulations and Statistical Mechanics in Surface Electrochemistry. In M. Schlesinger (Ed.), Modern Aspects in Surface Electrochemistry. Springer, Berlin. 131.

Peer-Reviewed Journals
Ababtin, S. A., Adibi, S., Mun, S., Dickel, D. E., Gwaltney, S. R., Novotny, M.A., Baskes, M. I., & Horstemeyer, M. (2022). Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Mechanical Behavior Using the Modified Embedded Atom Method with Bond Order (MEAMBO). Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng.. 30, 035004. DOI:10.1088/1361-651X/ac4d75.

Boettcher, S., Varghese, C., & Novotny, M.A. (2011). Quantum Transport through Hierarchical Structures. Physical Review E. 83(4), 041106 [12 pgs]. [Abstract] [Document Site]

Hamad, I. A., Novotny, M.A., Wipf, D. O., & Rikvold, P. A. (2011). New Charging Method for Li-ion Batteries: Dependence of the Charging on the Direction of the Additional Oscillating Field. Electrochemical Society Transactions. 33, 33.

Boettcher, S., Varghese, C., & Novotny, M.A. (2011). Quantum Transport Through Hierarchical Structures. Phys. Rev. 83(E), 041106 [12ppt.].

Boettcher, S., Varghese, C., & Novotny, M.A. (2011). Quantum Transport through Hierarchical Structures. Phys. Rev. 83(E), 041106 [12ppt.].

Biswas, K., & Novotny, M.A. (2011). Mapping the Dynamics of Complex Multi-dimensional Systems onto a Discrete Set of States Conserving the Mean First-Passage Times: A Projective Dynamics Approach. J. Phys. A: Math. & General. 44(345004), 18 pages.

Novotny, M.A. (2010). A New Battery-Charging Method Suggested by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 12(11), 2740-2743. [Abstract]

Hamad, I. A., Novotny, M.A., Wipf, D. O., & Rikvold, P. A. (2010). A New Battery-Charging Method Suggested by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 2740.

Thompson, S. H., Brown, G., Rikvold, P. A., & Novotny, M.A. (2010). Two Modes of Magnetization Switching in a Simulated Iron Nanopillar in an Obliquely Oriented Field. J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 22(236001), 9 pages.

Kolakowska, A., & Novotny, M.A. (2010). Comment on Dynamic Properties in a Family of Competitive Growing Models. Phys. Rev. E, 81(033101), 2 pages.

Novotny, M.A., Solomon, L., Varghese, C., & Boettcher, S. (2010). Renormalization Group Calculation of Electron Transport Through a Fully Connected Blob. Physics Procedia. 4, 85.

Novotny, M.A., Watanabe, H., & Ito, N. (2010). Efficiencies of Dynamic Monte Carlo Algorithms for Off-Lattice Particle Systems with a Single Impurity. Physics Procedia. 3, 1481.

Yancey, J. A., Novotny, M.A., & Gwaltney, S. R. (2009). Small Pure Carbon Molecules with Small World Networks Using Density Functional Theory Simulations. Int. J. Modern Physics C. World Scientific. 20(9), 1345-1356. [Document Site]

Thompson, S. H., Brown, G., Kuhnle, A. D., Rikvold, P. A., & Novotny, M.A. (2009). Resolution- Dependent Mechanisms for Bimodal Switching-time Distributions in Simulated Fe Nanopillars. Phys. Rev. B, 79(024429), [9 pages].

Novotny, M.A., & Kolakowska, A. (2009). Mixing Different Random Depositions in Nonequilibrium Surface Growth Models. Inter. J. Modern Phys. C, 20, 1377 invited.

Guerra, M. L., Novotny, M.A., Watanabe, H., & Ito, N. (2009). Efficiency of Rejection-Free Methods for Dynamic Monte Carlo Studies of Off-lattice Interacting Particles. Phys. Rev. E, 79(026706), [6 pages].

Robb, D., Xu, Y. H., Hellwig, O., McCord, J., Berger, A., Novotny, M.A., & Rikvold, P. A. (2008). Evidence for a Dynamic Phase Transition in [Co/Pt]3 Multilayers. Phys. Rev. B, 78(134422), [11 pages].

Hamad, I. A., Robb, D., Novotny, M.A., & Rikvold, P. A. (2008). EC-FORC: A New Cyclic Voltammetry Based Method for Examining Phase Transitions and Predicting Equilibrium. ECS Trans. 6, 53.

C¸ali¸skan, S., Novotny, M.A., & Cerd´a, J. I. (2008). Transport Through Small-World Networks. J. Appl. Phys. 102(013707), [7 pages].

Buend´ıa, G. M., Rikvold, P. A., Kolesik, M., Park, K., & Novotny, M.A. (2007). Nanostructure and Velocity of Field-Driven Solid-on-Solid Interfaces Moving under a Phonon-Assisted Dynamic. Phys. Rev. B, 76(045422), [10 pages].

Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts
Sukhija, N., Novotny, M.A., Breckenridge, W. B., III, & Smith, R. L. (2015). Integrating Adiabatic Quantum Computing and XSEDE to Enhance the Current State-of-the-art Discovery Environment. XSEDE15, Conference of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment. St. Louis, MO. [Document Site]

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Koshka, Y., Perera, M. N., Hall, J.S., & Novotny, M.A. (2016). Empirical Investigation of the Low Temperature Energy Function of the Restricted Boltzmann Machine Using a 1000 Qubit D-Wave 2X. 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Vancouver, BC. pp. 1948-1954. DOI:10.1109/IJCNN.2016.7727438. [Abstract]

Hall, J.S., Novotny, M.A., Neuhaus, T., & Michielsen, K. (2015). A Study of Spanning Trees on a D-Wave Quantum Computer. Physics Procedia. University of Georgia: Elsevier Procedia. [Document]

Varghese, C., & Novotny, M.A. (2012). Quantum Transport through Fully Connected Bethe Lattices. International Journal of Modern Physics C. Pocone, Pantanal Region, Mato Grosso, Brazil. 23(8), 1240010 [10 pg]. [Abstract] [Document Site]