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Dynamic Load Balancing with MatlabMPI

Carino, R.L., Banicescu, I., & Gao, W. (2006). Dynamic Load Balancing with MatlabMPI. In V.N. Alexandrov, et al (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. 3992, 430-437.


A number of packages have recently been developed to enable the execution of MATLAB programs on parallel processors. For many applications, an integrated load balancing functionality is also necessary to realize the full benefits of parallelization. This paper describes a toolkit based on MatlabMPI to ease the parallelization and integration of load balancing into MATLAB applications that contain computationally-intensive loops with independent iterations. Modifications to existing code to incorporate the toolkit are minimal. Performance tests of two nontrivial MATLAB programs with the toolkit on a general-purpose Linux cluster indicate that significant speedups are achievable.